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[Closed] Project News and Training Sessions

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A new blog post on where Citizen Records have been made, and where they haven't! Lots of people have asked about being able to see where they should look next, so here's your answer!

And a direct link to the web map showing the count of Citizen Records per OS grid square:  

Data correct on 5th May 2020. 

Posted : 08/06/2020 12:09 pm
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A couple more sessions upcoming.

In addition to tomorrow's (19th June, 10 - 12.30) Mapathon

Another Mapathon scheduled for next week, Friday 26th June, 10 - 12.30. Sign up here

A session teaching you how to download, process, and view Environment Agency LiDAR data, so you can look beyond the Chilterns... Tuesday 30th June, 10 - 11.30. Sign up here.

Posted : 18/06/2020 9:58 am
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Hi all,

Another set of workshops for July! Repeats of the Introduction session, the Improving Interpretation session, and the Review Portal training, plus two more Mapathons.

At the Mapathon on 10th July we will have Sam Johansen joining us, the Community Heritage Officer for the Chalk, Cherries, & Chairs Project, to talk about routeways in the Chilterns, so don’t miss that!

 As always, sign up at the link, and I’ll send out joining details the day before.

A recording of yesterday’s workshop on using Environment Agency LiDAR data should be coming shortly, if you missed it. I'll post it with a short blog post on the session.

Mapathon, 10th July, 10 – 12.30

Introduction to LiDAR and the Beacons of the Past Citizen Science Portal, 15th July, 10 - 11

Improving LiDAR Interpretation, 21st July, 10 – 12.30

Mapathon, 24th July, 10 – 12.30

Review Portal Training, 28th July, 10 – 12.30

This post was modified 5 years ago by Ed Peveler
Posted : 01/07/2020 12:37 pm
Andrew173 reacted
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Another month, another set of training sessions! I'm looking at what we can do to celebrate one year of the portal being up and online, so hopefully some fun things to come this month. 

Mapathon 7th August, 10 - 12.30

Mapathon 21st August, 10 - 12.30


Improving Interpretation 11th August, 10 - 12

Review Training 25th August, 10 - 12.30

Posted : 27/07/2020 1:59 pm
Andrew173 reacted
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Some very exciting news from Chilforts towers!

A new hillfort! With the help of you, our Citizen Scientists, we are now able to put a new hillfort dot on the map. 

Newsletter and blog post to come later this week.

(Unfortunately we aren't able to reveal its location or many further details at this time - the landowner does not want its location made public, and so our continued opportunity to be able to assess the site is contingent on its location staying out of public knowledge. It is essential that people do not try and find or visit the site, which is on private land with no right of way.) 

Posted : 13/08/2020 12:21 pm
Andrew173, NigelR, Martin Fowkes and 1 people reacted
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Hi all,

After a couple of weeks of holiday, I'm back! Catching up on emails and things, and will have more updates soon, but for now:

A late posting of last month's newsletter attached.

And link to this Friday's Mapathon -

Hope to see some of you there! Training sessions to resume in October, and plans for a new session on the use of 3D visualisation methods for exploring LiDAR... 


This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Ed Peveler
Posted : 14/09/2020 4:55 pm
Susan Holmes reacted
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Quick reminder, another Mapathon coming up on this Wednesday, 23rd September


Posted : 21/09/2020 9:24 am
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Forthcoming Beacons of the Past (virtual) events and links for signing up:

Review Portal Refresher Session – Wednesday 14th October, 10 – 12:

Did you train as a Reviewer earlier this year? Want to get more involved again, but feel a little rusty with the controls? Come along to this session and I’ll give you a refresher, and let you know how we’ve changed our approach since the Spring.

Mapathon – Friday 16th October, 10 – 12.30:

Come and join the group to see what others are finding, discuss places of interest, ask questions, and enjoy hearing about intriguing and interesting sites in the LiDAR.

Improving Interpretation Training – Tuesday 27th October, 10 – 12:

Want to take your ability to read the LiDAR data for archaeology up to the next level? Come along to this workshop.

Review Portal Training – Wednesday 4th November, 10 – 12:

Want to train to be a reviewer, to get access to the “Review Portal” and help us craft our Master Database of sites? This is the workshop for you. (I recommend that you attend the “Improving Interpretation” workshop before coming to this.)

Mapathon – Thursday 12th November, 10 – 12.30:

3D Visualisation of LiDAR Data for Archaeology – Tuesday 24th November, 10 – 11.30:

I’ll let you know a little bit about using 3D approaches for visualising LiDAR data, and we’ll discuss the pros and cons of 3D visualisations for archaeological LiDAR.

Posted : 06/10/2020 3:28 pm
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A couple of events for December. Do sign up on the forms, so I can email you the joining link. 

And then a questionnaire, asking about the New Year - are there any of my regular training courses which you've not made it to, but want to? Or are there any other topics you'd like me to cover?

Training in the New Year – what do you want?

Posted : 02/12/2020 9:46 am
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New blog post up! 2020 in Review:  

Posted : 17/12/2020 12:41 pm
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With apologies for a slight delay in getting these up, some upcoming events. As always, click the links to register, so that you get sent the joining details by email.

Roman Roads in the Chilterns: hear myself and Nigel Rothwell talk about the work that he has led investigating the Roman roads identifiable (or not) in the Chilterns LiDAR, which has recently been published in the Roman Roads Research Association Newsletter. Blog post on the topic to come soon too. 

23rd February

Mapathons: come and join the group to discuss what people have been finding in the data. Always great fun with wide-ranging discussions - contribute and gather advice and insight from with the knowledgeable team.

29th January

12th February

24th February

Training - Please do email me ( if you want a session on advancing your LiDAR-interpretation skills and in training to become a "Reviewer" for the Citizen Science Project. I'll run workshops as and when I get enough participants.

Posted : 20/01/2021 11:13 am
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A short little blog post from Wendy about the Countryfile filming:  

Posted : 26/01/2021 11:24 am
Susan Holmes reacted
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Online sessions coming up in March.

Two Mapathons - online sessions for discussing the LiDAR and Chilterns archaeology - come and see what others have been up to, or ask any questions you might have.

A Review Portal training session - sign up to learn to become a project "Reviewer" - helping to turn the Citizen Science records into our HER-style upper tier database records.

Click the sign up links in order to register and be sent the joining information.

Mapathon, Friday 5th March, 10 - 12:

Review Portal training, Friday 12th March, 10 - 12:

Mapathon, Friday 19th March, 2-4 (note provisional change of time from usual):

This post was modified 4 years ago by Ed Peveler
Posted : 01/03/2021 9:57 am
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In addition to the above events, check out the latest blog post, about the evidence for the Roman roads in the Chilterns as seen in the LiDAR data - a precis of some of the things discussed at the talk Nigel Rothwell and I gave last week based on his work.

Posted : 02/03/2021 2:21 pm
NigelR reacted
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Hi all,

Just a quick update - as most of you probably know I left my post at the Chilterns Conservation Board back in May to move to a new job. The Beacons of the Past Project then hired Giles Carey, who has come in, picked up a mammoth of a dataset, and in a very short space of time turned the "Priority Sites" data around into a database ready to send off to the four local HERs. There will be a proper update about this process in the near future, but suffice to say that thanks to a huge amount of work from all of you, some brilliant data is now being delivered to each of the county records.

Giles has now left the project having completed that task, and as hinted at in Wendy's last newsletter, I've been brought back in in a freelance capacity to continue doing some work for the project in some of my spare time. This will largely be centred on behind-the-scenes data work, getting some outputs ready for Wendy and the project. However, I will be checking these forums, and hopefully there will be a few opportunities for both digital and in person get-togethers. I am not full time, typically working about 5 hours a week, so these won't be quite at the same intensity as before, but do watch this space!

Posted : 17/08/2021 9:31 pm
Janet Vale, Martin Fowkes, Andrew173 and 2 people reacted
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