Hi I have recently joined this group and keen to get started but do not wish to go over ground that may have already been covered by others. Is there an interactive tutorial and a list of the ground already covered and an area to look at to start off with ?
Hi Atticus,
The tutorials can be found under the "Tutorials" tab at the top - I'm afraid nothing too fancy and "interactive" as such. You may also find it useful to come along to the upcoming Mapathon on the morning of Friday 19th March - you can sign up for that here: https://share.hsforms.com/1SZlbijyQQWOvI0VprU9QIw2orgq
I posted last June with a map showing where people had looked up until then: https://chilternsbeacons.org/wp/2020/06/08/where-to-look/. I will try and update that soon!